The "Add A Show" link is located under the "Karaoke Shows" menu above. To add shows you MUST be registered, and logged in to the site. If you do not see the link for adding a show please make sure you are logged in.

When you add shows, please use proper capitalization and punctuation, etc. It will appear just as you enter it on this page. Aside from looking lousy, if you have typos or incorrect information, your visitors may have a hard time finding your shows. Please care as much about your own shows as we do!

On to the good stuff! I'm going to walk you through each entry step by step, but it is truly very easy!


Simply click on the "Show Search" menu above (opens in new tab) and enter any key word from the listing. Keep in mind that the name could vary slightly from what you call it. I have seen places that have *official* names that are different than what locals call the place for example.

If you don't see the listing already please continue:

"Venue Name"
That is the name of the venue/bar, NOT your name !!

"Venue Street Address"
This is the address of the VENUE with the show.

"Venue City"
This should be fairly self-explanatory.

"Venue State"
This should be fairly self-explanatory.

"Venue Zipcode"
This should be fairly self-explanatory.

"Venue Phone"
This is for the phone number of the VENUE! It is not YOUR phone number! Please enter phone numbers in the following format: 800-555-1212 only, thanks!

"Website of Venue"
This should be fairly self-explanatory. Please do not put the Facebook page here. It has its own entry below.

"Facebook Page of Venue"
Complete URL to the bar's Facebook page.

"Website of KJ"
This is for a KJ's REGULAR WEBSITE, not their Facebook page. You can add the Facebook page below.

"Facebook Page of KJ"
Complete URL to the bar's Facebook page.

"Website of KJ 2"
This is if there is a SECOND KJ that is also doing a show at this venue. For example if KJ-1 does Wednesday nights and KJ-2 does Fridays.

"Karaoke Days"
Check off what days of the week the show is on.

Helpful info to know when searching for a show. Please understand that these details may not be complete so sometimes loosening up your criteria when searching may be better. For example if you select "non-smoking" the search will ONLY return places that are KNOWN to not have smoking. If you select this you will ONLY see shows that have this checked off when the show was added. That doesn't mean other places can't also be non-smoking.

"This Show Uses"
This is just an extra bit of info about the show's technical stuff. I added it in case folks wanted to add it, but for most poeople this is irrelevant. If you know of other things I could add here, please let me know!

Entry Notes: I have to say that the most common mistake folks make is when the copy/paste the phone number into the form as it will only accept the first 12 digits. That means if you put in a phone number like this: (800) 555-1212 it will be truncated to (800) 555-12. Please enter phone numbers in the format "800-555-1212" only, thanks!

The mapping functionality is also straight from Google maps. That means that if you find the place on the map you can directly enter it the same way on my site. That being said it won't find suite numbers etc, just straight addresses.

Note: you cannot delete entries even if you own them. It's that way on purpose. If a place cancels karaoke or you are no longer doing a show please let me know and I can unpublish it.

DO NOT CHANGE THE ENTRY FROM AN OLD TO A NEW VENUE! What I mean by that is you can't change one of your old shows that is cancled over to a new gig. There is more going on in the back end of the directory that prevents this and it creates a bunch of work if you try. If your show gets canceled and you start a new one please ADD the NEW show instead and let me know about the old one.I am  SUPER easy guy to reach via email or Facebook PM.

Thank you!

If you have questions email me at

Happy playing!