
Publishing Show Times...

Q: Why don't I post show times on my website?

Quick answer: "law of diminishing returns".

A: I have been doing this a looooong time. I can probably count on the fingers of one hand the shows I have been to that have consistently started at the advertised time. It almost never happens. I have seen karaoke show ads in my group and websites that list karaoke at XX time but when I call the venue they tell me a different time. Not even those involved agree. Then there are football game nights.....and not enough singers to start yet.....and playing DJ music instead of karaoke for the first hour.....and whatever other "reasons".

Stated show times are rarely if ever accurate.

If it does start "on time" though.....what does it matter really if it's listed on my site? People are going to call the place or confirm with a secondary source before they go……right? I even confirm them myself when I go out even unless I have spoken to someone that is authoritative on the show. I do have a flag option for an “Early Show” which is defined as a show starting no later than 7:30. That really just divides shows up into “I have to work tomorrow” and “no, I don’t have to work tomorrow” groups.

So…..although I wouldn’t mind having times listed, unless they are accurate what good are they?

However.......anyone who wants me to put show times on their entry is welcome to ask and I'll manually do it. I just don't do it as a matter of course because: see above.

Please let me know if you have any questions!

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2338 Hits

KAA and Piracy

Howdy karaoke peeps. There was a recent incident in this group where a KJ who didn't know another KJ posted things on the first KJ's thread claiming they were a pirate and asked me to remove the original post due to this alleged piracy. I just wanted to set some things straight here.

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3713 Hits

It's been a while...

Good morning folks! I haven't written in a while, but I wanted to send a reminder about how KAA works.
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3258 Hits

A Singer's Guide

Since this blogger wrote this he has blocked me on Facebook. I can only speculate on why, but my educated guess is because he possibly uses a less than legal library and doesn't want the publicity. Sad, but true....:(

I am retaining the blog entry because it is well written and is a good contribution to the karaoke community.


Over the last 15 years, I've watched karaoke shows come and go and with it batch after batch of new singers. A good singer can carry a show, and a bad singer can break a show. That's what makes karaoke both beloved and despised: the performer is the variable that can't be predicted, bought, or cultivated for consistency. Karaoke is a peculiar, masturbatory art form and the people that enjoy it are a class of their own. If you're one of them there's several things you may not be aware of, especially if you're a newbie. So this guide is for you.

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5975 Hits

Just a reminder Q&A for KAA

Howdy! I don't write very often, but I have had some questions come up and since adding a blog entry will automatically get broadcast to Twitter, LinkedIn and of course Facebook I figure this is a good way to handle it!

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15840 Hits

KJ 4.0 Karaoke Summit

This link came from a conversation I recently had regarding a karaoke industry summit that is upcoming.

Any progress is good progress!
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10617 Hits

15 Terrible Songs To Ban On Karaoke Night
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76223 Hits

Shout out for KAA!

Interview I did a couple months back for!

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6421 Hits

Why Does Music Give Us Chills?


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8170 Hits

What to sing.....or not....

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6427 Hits

8 Types of Karaoke Singers

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6173 Hits

Return of the Rants

Welcome to my karaoke editorial page.....;)

I’m sure you can guess what this is for!  These aren't in any particular order, some are from suggestions and some are from my own deviant little mind. I also reserve the right to change, delete, add or otherwise deface anything I want to here as well as anywhere else on my site!

These posts started out as a little project back around probably the  1998-1999. I added to them over time and during one of my site re-vamps they kind of got dropped off at the curb so I'm bringing them back. I'm going to attempt to put them in some kind of logical sequence, but ultimately they are in no particular order...

Enjoy....and please leave comments should you be so inclined! I may be able to turn some of them into additional rants! Remember, I am a SINGER, not a KJ......:)

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20707 Hits

How Good Does Karaoke Have to Be to Qualify as Art?

How Good Does Karaoke Have to Be to Qualify as Art?

John Brophy, the mastermind of America’s greatest karaoke night, lives in a well-kept bungalow in a neighborhood of small homes in southeast Portland, Ore. When I visited on a weekday afternoon last spring, Brophy, then 36, wore a ringer T-shirt and dark jeans. His wrist was encircled by a half-dozen bracelets, and his dark hair swooped in front of his face. Like many Portlanders, he’s in a band, called Gingerbread Patriots, although currently the band is on hiatus — the “Shows” section of the Gingerbread Patriots Web site is empty but for the words “2009 will bring shows shows and more shows!”

Read the rest here:

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14479 Hits

America's Best Karaoke Bars

Another karaoke honorable mention!
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36853 Hits

Letter to Emily White at NPR All Songs Considered

Shamelessly stolen from here:

Letter to Emily White at NPR All Songs Considered

Recently Emily White, an intern at NPR All Songs Considered and GM of what appears to be her college radio station, wrote a post on the NPR blog in which she acknowledged that while she had 11,000 songs in her music library, she’s only paid for 15 CDs in her life. Our intention is not to embarrass or shame her. We believe young people like Emily White who are fully engaged in the music scene are the artist’s biggest allies. We also believe–for reasons we’ll get into–that she has been been badly misinformed by the Free Culture movement. We only ask the opportunity to present a countervailing viewpoint.

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72994 Hits

Steve's favoritism...

I recently got a message from someone accusing me of being biased. I'm going to *officially* reply to that message here and give the person the link rather than get into a tit for tat. I'm not naming names. Who it is, is not relevant....the message is:

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21829 Hits

The KAA Take On Singer Rotation...

This post is from my original site from back in the early 2000's.

This is where I explain what I think a fair singer rotation, you don't have to agree with this...

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113615 Hits